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The Arena di Verona, a stone's throw from Lake Garda

The Arena di Verona, a stone's throw from Lake Garda

Piazza Bra, 1, 37121 Verona VR

The Arena di Verona, a stone's throw from Lake Garda

Piazza Bra, 1, 37121 Verona VR

Discovering the Arena di Verona, the amphitheater symbol of the city

The Arena di Verona is an ideal destination and definitely a must for a day trip starting from the shores of Lake Garda.

The Arena is in fact just half an hour by car from Peschiera del Garda, forty minutes from Bardolino, and an hour from Garda, and can also be easily reached by bus and train.

Located in the heart of the city of Verona, in Piazza Bra, it represents one of the symbols of the city: it is one of the best-preserved Roman amphitheaters, so much so that it is still used today for the representation of operas and shows. With its fifteen thousand seats, it manages to welcome thousands and thousands of spectators and visitors every year, offering a truly unique open-air experience.

From opera to ballet, from symphonic concerts to pop music, the Arena di Verona is one of the richest and most vibrant Italian artistic and cultural centers, as evidenced by the decision to hold the Opera Festival right here, born in 1913 with the first representation of Verdi's Aida, and today a historic event of operatic music that is staged during the summer months.

Observed from the outside, the Arena appears imposing and majestic, but only by walking inside it is it possible to feel the thrill of history, a suggestion that comes from traveling through the same places where the ancient Romans walked two thousand years ago. Going out into the stands, then, the emotion is very strong and it is impossible not to be dazzled by the magnificence of the Arena and by the Roman genius.

For those spending a holiday on Lake Garda, attending one of the shows scheduled between June and September at the Arena di Verona, means living a totally exciting experience under the summer stars, in a setting of rare beauty.

In fact, in addition to its undisputed musical excellence, the Arena di Verona is also worth a visit for its history and architectural importance.

The exact date of its construction remains shrouded in mystery, but various hypotheses suggest that it was built in the first century AD. with the aim of welcoming playful shows. Particularly loved by the ancient Romans were gladiator fights, which took place (as in the Colosseum) in the center of the amphitheater in the area called harena - hence the name Arena - due to the presence of sand, necessary to absorb the blood of men and animals spilled during the fighting.

Curiously, the building was not originally located in its current position, but just outside the city walls, to facilitate access for spectators and avoid crowding in the city center. Only later, with the creation of walls against the attacks of the Barbarians, the Arena was incorporated within the city.

Throughout history, the Arena di Verona has been used as a space for shows, parties, races, jousts, bullfights, but also as a stone quarry, a point designated for the administration of justice, and a place for massacres. But it was only in 1822 that the amphitheater was used as a large theater en plein air, with the representation of La Santa Alleanza with music by Gioacchino Rossini, even if the great consecration came in 1913 with Verdi's Aida.

The Arena di Verona is open to visitors every day for the whole day.

In the period from October to May the amphitheater is closed on Mondays, December 25th and January 1st, and on the first Sunday of the month the entrance costs only one euro.

The calendar of the Opera Festival can be consulted here .


+39 045 8005151

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 - Cap. sociale 20.000 - REA VR: 389497
English (EN)