If one day you’ll decide to venture in order to discover the magnificent views that you can enjoy from the Lombardy side of Lake Garda, we suggest you take the "crossing" with the Navigarda ferry used for transporting cars, which will take you from Torri del Benaco to Toscolano Maderno in half an hour.
Once disembarked, continuing northwards towards Riva, just after Campione you can take the famous Strada della Forra, considered "the most beautiful road in the world" and defined by Winston Churchill the eighth wonder of the world.
The most suitable adjective to describe the Strada della Forra, which runs along the deep ravine of the stream Brasa, is "incredible": the torrent has been conveyed into an artificial tunnel to divert the course in order to allow the construction of the road link. It is a real gem in the mountains, which was also chosen as the setting for the exploits of the famous secret agent James Bond.
The road, now called Provinciale 38, rises from the Gardesana to the uplands of Tremosine, a town suspended on a plateau overlooking Lake Garda and surrounded by nature, with just over 2000 inhabitants and composed of 17 small hamlets.
One of the most popular villages is Pieve di Tremosine, where it is worth going into the narrow streets of the oldest area and from which you can admire a wonderful view. In Pieve there is the Terrazza del Brivido, a balcony suspended in the air with a spectacular view of the lake.
In order to get off the plateau you can take the other road, the one that goes down to Limone del Garda. The town of Limone stands on a narrow strip of land and, unlike what you might think, it does not owe the name to the lemons, but to the Latin word "limen", which means border. In the past, until 1932, the country was very isolated and based its economy on fishing and on the cultivation of olive and lemon trees. Today it is one of the most famous tourist centers, also because it has been able to keep the charm of the small town thanks to the old town and its lush nature, which can be admired by taking a regenerating and relaxing walk along the lake.
http://www.infotremosine .it/