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Valle dei Laghi Bicycle Path

Valle dei Laghi Bicycle Path

Torbole - Riva - Arco

Valle dei Laghi Bicycle Path

Torbole - Riva - Arco

The Valle dei Laghi” bike path (so called because it crosses a valley dotted with many beautiful lakes) is a pleasant route that connects Lake Garda with Lake Toblino, which can be reached after about 26 km of pedaling through charming vineyards, picturesque villages, and the mountains of Garda Trentino.

We suggest starting the route from the beautiful village Riva del Garda, that is worth a visit. From here you bike 2 km towards Torbole on panoramic bike path that runs alongside the lake, the beaches, and the lush gardens of Riva.

Alternatively, you can choose to start from Torbole for the bike ride, leaving out the panoramic path, however, deserves to be travelled for the unique panoramic views it offers of the lake.

Before Torbole, you reach the river Sarca. The bike path runs along the river for about 7 km lined by oleander trees and with the lake behind until to the village of Arco. This town, crowned by the castle of the same name perched on a hill, also definitely deserves a side trip. How about a stroll through the histo-ric center and a break at the playground, which is also located in the city center?

From Arco, the bike path continues north to Ceniga. Here you can admire the Roman bridge over the Sar-ca before reaching Dro, the town known for its delicious plums. Continue through plum and olive groves and lush vineyards until you reach a rocky, more moon-like landscape: the Marocche di Dro.
Driving through this extraordinary area, which is a protected biotope made up of masses of large boulders, just before arriving in Ceniga you will catch sight of Drena Castle in the distance. The medieval fortress, in a panoramic position, attracts visitors with an original land-art trail for children, while the Marocche di Dro recalls the retreat of the glaciers. From here the bike path begins to climb. This should be considered by those who want to ride the Valle dei Laghi bike path with children.

The climb ends just before Pietramurata, a pretty village from which you can reach Lake Cavedine in a few minutes. Here, on the eastern shore of the lake, a nice café with a small playground and a beach invites you to take a well-deserved break after the climb you have just completed.
From Pietramurata to Sarche the route is short and easy, but right at Sarche the cycle path ends, forcing cyclists who want to reach Lake Toblino to take a stretch of the main road to reach the destination of the route: Castle Toblino, which towers over the lake of the same name.

Castle Toblino is a picture of a castle and that from every angle. For example, from the northern tip of the lake, which you reach on a pedestrian bike path. Stop here on the neighboring meadow and take in the picturesque scenery offered by the lake, the castle and the mountains and you will be amazed. Full of new impressions, you can then return to Lake Garda, the starting point of this atmospheric route on two wheels.

The Valle dei Laghi bike path would continue to Lake Terlago, but at Padergnone, just after Lake Toblino, there is a 3-kilometer climb that is quite challenging for children and should therefore be considered in advance.
Alternatively, the route can be continued to the hydroelectric plant of Santa Massenza, located on the lake of the same name. 

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 - Cap. sociale 20.000 - REA VR: 389497
English (EN)
© 2025 LagodiGardaCamping S.r.l - 




 - Cap. sociale 20.000 - REA VR: 389497
English (EN)